Custom Modeling & Digitizing
Does any of this sound familiar ...
Your client just handed you a napkin sketch of the "Creature
from Planet Greenspan" and he wants you to make it dance.
Your client just handed you a prototype of his new Framistat and he wants you to show how it works. (By the way, you can only have it for a week.)
Your client wants to shoot the scene in front of the Kremlin but there's only enough budget to shoot it in front of the Post Office.
The programmer who swore he knew all about 3D modeling comes to you and asks "What's a polygon, dude?"
... and just when your wishing you'd listened to your mother and become a dental assistant, you remember that web page you saw and call 1-800-YWD-INC1.

3Name3DTM offers a wide range of custom modeling services...
Digitizing your existing "real" object using our FARO 8 foot digitizing arm. (Accurate to .012 in.!)
Creating a sculpture from your drawing and then digitizing it.
Modeling from photos or from architectural or engineering drawings.

If there's an idea in your head, we can make it into a 3D object.
(and if there isn't... click here)
Call 1-800-YWD-INC1 or e-mail us at
for a consultation today.

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Copyright © 1995 Yglesias Wallock Divekar, Inc., All Rights Reserved
Cyberprops and 3Name3D are trademarks of Yglesias Wallock Divekar, Inc.
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